Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hamilton 400

It was fun at the V8's and I even got a day off school

the last day in Term 1

Fishing with Kyle in the holidays

Going down the waterslide with my cousin and brother.

I sprinted and dived onto the boogie board. My uncle come down is well but he was in his clothes and got them all wet.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dad was making some waves to try and flip us off. Amber fell off but I didn't.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Dads Boat

This is my Dads fishing boat. It is called the "Gay Maree". It is 18m long and is a trawler. This means it tows a big net behind the boat to catch the fish. Dad catches lots of fish including sharks, snapper, tarakihi, gurnard, trevally, gurnard and john dory. He lifts the net into the boat with a winch and then puts the fish down in the fishroom which is full of ice to keep the fish cool and fresh. The fishroom also has refridgeration which means it is like a big fridge!!!! My Dad sleeps on the boat and he also has a little kitchen on the boat, this is called a galley.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Speeding on my cousins motorbike

This is when I was learning to ride a motorbike at Christmas. I now ride the bike each time I go to my Aunty's house. Yesterday we took the bike to my Nana and Popa's house and I rode on it all afternoon. My other cousin has a 4 wheeled motorbike and I also had turns on this. The 4 wheeler went a lot slower so I spent more time on the 2 wheeler. When my cousin was on the 4 wheeler I rode behind her on the 2 wheeler and then put it into 2nd gear and zoomed past her up the hill.

Playing in mud when I was three

Playing in mud when I was three
My brother and I in mud

Having a ride on a car biscuit

Having a ride on a car biscuit
Here I am holding on tightly

Biscuiting with my cousin

Biscuiting with my cousin
This is me riding the waves at Lake Rotoiti

Me in the mud at Opotiki

Me in the mud at Opotiki
Me in mud