Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Speeding on my cousins motorbike

This is when I was learning to ride a motorbike at Christmas. I now ride the bike each time I go to my Aunty's house. Yesterday we took the bike to my Nana and Popa's house and I rode on it all afternoon. My other cousin has a 4 wheeled motorbike and I also had turns on this. The 4 wheeler went a lot slower so I spent more time on the 2 wheeler. When my cousin was on the 4 wheeler I rode behind her on the 2 wheeler and then put it into 2nd gear and zoomed past her up the hill.


Indy500 said...

From Kyle:
What gear did you get up to and what speed did you end up going?
Looks like real fun. Cool blog Josh.

JOSH said...

Hi kyle I got up to third gear and I whent 60 km/hr. Also look on my blog for information.

Playing in mud when I was three

Playing in mud when I was three
My brother and I in mud

Having a ride on a car biscuit

Having a ride on a car biscuit
Here I am holding on tightly

Biscuiting with my cousin

Biscuiting with my cousin
This is me riding the waves at Lake Rotoiti

Me in the mud at Opotiki

Me in the mud at Opotiki
Me in mud